Record Store Day 2024

Saturday 20th April

Record Store Day is a day for the people who make up the world of the record shop – the staff, the customers, the artists, the labels – to come together and honour the special role they have in communities. In the UK, over 270 shops participate in every corner of the country.

While there’s only one Record Store Day a year, organisers work hard throughout the year to shine a light on all the amazing people in record shops and the special and exclusive releases artists and labels create to support them.

As a part of this unique culture, Ace Cafe London celebrates the link established in the 1950’s between a jukebox playing rock n’ roll and personal transport. For young Brit kids this was a motorbike, and the Ace Cafe was home to these new machines and their soundtracks – the Ton Up kids and the cafe racer had arrived!

Love it live & treasure it forever, on vinyl!