M.A.D. Sunday – Motorcycle Awareness Day

Sunday 4th June
9am – 5pm
Motorcycle Awareness Day (MAD) at the Ace is focused on the powered two-wheeled community and, as well as teaming up with the UK’s biggest platform for showcasing best practice in road safety, “Project Edward”, the day is also in aid of the national charity “Mental Health Motorbike”.
Whether you’re thinking about taking up riding or if you are a new or experienced rider, and with bikes through the years generally getting faster and sharper, the Ace has teamed up with the experts in road safety and anti-theft protection.
For current and prospective riders, from learner to advanced, and always with Safety First, Motorcycle Awareness Day at the Ace includes the IAM, “Biker Tek”, and the London Fire Brigade advising about Biker Down! the free nationwide scheme that was devised to provide the tools to help bikers if they’re involved in a crash.
Learn how riders can help fight crime – Lock it, tag it or lose it – as well as how to get the best from your bike or scooter. From how to position yourself in traffic to the secrets of staying safe, you will be able to find out about the skills you need to become a better rider. Learn from police motorcyclists who have to know how to ride safely in all weathers, road and traffic conditions and yes, how to go fast at times.