2025-09-05 18:00:56 2025-09-05 18:00:56 Europe/London Ace Cafe Reunion Weekend - (Continental Run Ride-In) https://london.acecafe.com/event/ace-cafe-reunion-weekend-continental-run-ride-in/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de


Independently acclaimed as the World´s Coolest Motorcycle Event, the Ace Cafe Reunion 2025 is held at Ace Cafe London premises and on Madeira Drive, Brighton from 5th to 7th September.

Celebrating the history and heritage of the Ace 25 years after it had closed in 1969, the first Ace Cafe Reunion was held at the legendary North London premises in 1994, and this year it is not only the 86th Anniversary of the cafe having originally opened in 1938, and the 31st annual Ace Cafe Reunion, it is also the 27th anniversary of “Ace Corner” opening on Sundays in 1997 for a “View & Brew”, and the 23r anniversary of the cafe having fully re-opened in 2001.
2025 also sees the 61st anniversary of both the release of the film “The Leather Boys”, which featured the cafe and many of its then patrons and their bikes, as well as the 61st anniversary of the Mods n’ Rockers famously meeting in 1964 at the seaside.

Kicking off at the Ace with the popular Bike Night on evening of Friday 5th Saturday 6th at the Ace includes rock n’ roll music, ride outs, special guests & more

Saturday 06.9.25

In addition to Ace Cafe London celebrating its annual 30th annual Ace Cafe Reunion at the legendary cafe on London’s North Circular Road on the 6th & 8th September and with the ride-out to Madeira Drive in Brighton on 8th September, this year the cafe is also marking the 24th anniversary of having fully re-opened from August 2001 with a “Cafe Racer Ride Out” departing the Ace at 10.30am on Saturday 6th September

All details to be confirmed.

The “Cafe Racer Ride Out” returns to the Ace for 2.30pm for the “Best Ridden Cafe Racer” competition judging, awards and rock n’ roll!

See you at the Ace!

Rev up and Ride, with the Rockers!

Sunday 07.9.25– Brighton

The Brighton Burn Up & Ride with the Rockers leaves morning of Sunday7th from Ace Cafe London to celebrate the legendary Ace Day on Brighton´s famous Madeira Drive with live music, stands, displays, as well as a welcome by the Mayor of Brighton and a short service/blessing being undertaken by the 59 Club Chaplain Father Andrew Gough on the Ace stage.

On Sunday 7th September, and as in previous years, motorcyclists will gather at the Ace premises celebrating the history and heritage of what is now regarded by many as an icon, Ace Cafe London. At 10.30am the assembled motorcycle ride-out departs the Ace for Brighton, “waved off” as in the years to date by the Mayor of Brent.

Route: A406 – A40 – M25 – M23 – A23 to Madeira Drive, Brighton Seafront

See you at the Ace, and in Brighton

Rev up and Ride with the Rockers

Strictly no deckchairs!

Keeping watching for updates