2020-02-09 15:52:15 2020-02-09 15:52:15 Europe/London MAG "Fred Hill" Memorial Ride Out 11am Depart: 11.00 MAG (Motorcycle Action Group) Due to storm forecast, MAG on 8.2.20 have postponed the Fred Hill Ride Out from Ace Sunday 9.2.20, to instead be from Ace 11am on Sunday 1.3.20 https://london.acecafe.com/event/mag-fred-hill-memorial-ride-out-11am-2/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Depart: 11.00
MAG (Motorcycle Action Group)
Due to storm forecast, MAG on 8.2.20 have postponed the Fred Hill Ride Out from Ace Sunday 9.2.20, to instead be from Ace 11am on Sunday 1.3.20