2024-10-02 18:36:412024-10-02 18:36:41Europe/LondonHot Rod Night 6pm https://london.acecafe.com/event/hot-rod-night-6pm-with-dj-george-guntrip-2/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe Londonm.guenter@magnetive.de
2024-10-06 09:59:222024-10-06 09:59:22Europe/London"End of Summer" Scooter n' Mod Special Scooter Sunday, 2024 being the Nomads SC 10th anniversary of the Tony Class memorial ride out + Band “The Oo” from noon https://london.acecafe.com/event/end-of-summer-scooter-n-mod-special-2/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe Londonm.guenter@magnetive.de
2024-10-26 16:27:142024-10-26 16:27:14Europe/LondonAll American Cruise-In + Oldsmobile Halloween 4pm + DJ Rockin' Wolf from 7pm https://london.acecafe.com/event/all-american-cruise-in-oldsmobile-halloween-4pm/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe Londonm.guenter@magnetive.de
2024-10-27 09:03:572024-10-27 09:03:57Europe/London9am Rat, Brat, Bobbers, Choppers (& Rat Rods).SSAFA Charity Special With DJ Olas Boss on the decks from noon https://london.acecafe.com/event/rat-brat-bobbers-choppers-rat-rods-2/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe Londonm.guenter@magnetive.de