What’s On!

Check our Ace Cafe London Calendar
2020-07-01 19:55:15 2020-07-01 19:55:15 Europe/London Hot Rod Night 6pm Start: 18.00 Finish: 23.00   With Vintage Pinstriping stand and display   Band: The Kingshakes DJ: Little Carl   Win tickets to Santa Pod's Dragstalgia Win tickets to Santa Pod's Hot Rod Drags   Spend £5 or more over the counter and receive a raffle ticket. Draw at 10pm.                                     https://london.acecafe.com/event/hot-rod-night-6pm-16-3/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start: 18.00
Finish: 23.00
With Vintage Pinstriping stand and display
Band: The Kingshakes
DJ: Little Carl
Win tickets to Santa Pod’s Dragstalgia
Win tickets to Santa Pod’s Hot Rod Drags
Spend £5 or more over the counter and receive a raffle ticket. Draw at 10pm.



2020-07-02 19:57:10 2020-07-02 19:57:10 Europe/London Mod 'n' Mini Meet 6pm Start: 18.00 Finish: 23.00   Minis & Classic Scooters               https://london.acecafe.com/event/mod-n-mini-meet-6pm-54-3/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start: 18.00
Finish: 23.00
Minis & Classic Scooters
2020-07-04 18:16:54 2020-07-04 18:16:54 Europe/London Blue Oval Project Meet 6pm Start: 18.00 Finish: 23.00 https://london.acecafe.com/event/blue-oval-project-meet-6pm/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start: 18.00
Finish: 23.00
2020-07-05 19:34:48 2020-07-05 19:34:48 Europe/London Lost Souls Club Meet 6pm Start: 18.00 Finish: 22.30 https://london.acecafe.com/event/lost-souls-club-meet-6pm-3/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start: 18.00
Finish: 22.30
2020-07-06 19:52:07 2020-07-06 19:52:07 Europe/London German Bikes 'n' Cars 6pm (BMW & Mercedes) Start: 18.00 Finish: 23.00   BMW & MERCEDES   Win tickets to Santa Pod's Das Auto Show   Spend £5 or more over the counter and receive a raffle ticket. Draw at 10pm.     https://london.acecafe.com/event/german-bikes-n-cars-6pm-bmw-mercedes-42-3/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start: 18.00
Finish: 23.00
Win tickets to Santa Pod’s Das Auto Show
Spend £5 or more over the counter and receive a raffle ticket. Draw at 10pm.
2020-07-07 19:54:07 2020-07-07 19:54:07 Europe/London S2RS Club Invitational Meet 6pm Start: 18.00 Finish: 22.30 https://london.acecafe.com/event/s2rs-club-invitational-meet-6pm-4/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start: 18.00
Finish: 22.30
2020-07-09 20:04:21 2020-07-09 20:04:21 Europe/London Italian Bikes n' Cars 6pm Start: 18.00 Finish: 23.00 https://london.acecafe.com/event/italian-bikes-n-cars-6pm-58-3/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start: 18.00
Finish: 23.00