Classic Car Night “Special” at the Ace

Tuesday 9th January
From 6pm
Ace Cafe London hosts “Classic Car Night” from 6pm on the second Tuesday of every month, and the meet on Tuesday 9th January 2024 celebrates the 90th anniversary of the Harrow Car Club.
As well as regularly attending the cafe with an array of diverse classic vehicles, the HCC organise an annual “Classic Car Concours at the Ace”. First established as the “Kynaston Car Club” on January 9th 1934, subsequently changed on March 4th 1934 to the Harrow Car Club, “Classic Car Night” at the Ace is planned by the club to be a special occasion.
With “Ace” photographer Damien Jennings kindly attending to capture the celebration, all like-minded classic car enthusiasts are welcome.
For more information about the Harrow Car Club, see links:
Harrow Car Club
Harrow Car Club FB
See you at the Ace!