What’s On!

Check our Ace Cafe London Calendar
2017-05-01 00:00:00 2017-05-01 00:00:00 Europe/London German Bikes 'n' Cars 6pm (BMW & Mercedes) Start Time: 06:00 PMEnd Time: 11:00 PMBMW & MERCEDES   https://london.acecafe.com/event/german-bikes-n-cars-6pm-bmw-mercedes-44/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start Time: 06:00 PM
End Time: 11:00 PM
2017-05-04 00:00:00 2017-05-04 00:00:00 Europe/London Mod 'n' Mini Meet 6pm Start Time: 06:00 PMEnd Time: 11:00 PMMinis & Classic Scooters https://london.acecafe.com/event/mod-n-mini-meet-6pm-58/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start Time: 06:00 PM
End Time: 11:00 PM
Minis & Classic Scooters
2017-05-05 00:00:00 2017-05-05 00:00:00 Europe/London Bike Night + Streetfighters 6pm Start Time: 18.00 End Time:23.00 Win a pair of tickets to the Southern Classic Bike Show at Kempton Park Win a pair of passes to BikeShed London 2017 Spend £5 or more over the counter and receive a raffle ticket Draw at 22.00   Visit The Bike Shed Visit Kempton Park   https://london.acecafe.com/event/bike-night-streetfighters-6pm-54/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start Time: 18.00
End Time:23.00
Win a pair of tickets to the Southern Classic Bike Show at Kempton Park
Win a pair of passes to BikeShed London 2017
Spend £5 or more over the counter and receive a raffle ticket
Draw at 22.00
Visit The Bike Shed
Visit Kempton Park
2017-05-07 00:00:00 2017-05-07 00:00:00 Europe/London Yamaha Day 9am Start Time: 09.00 End Time: 17.00 50th Anniversary of the YR1 350 GP Win a pair of tickets to the Southern Classic Bike Show at Kempton Park Spend £5 or more over the counter and received a raffle ticket Draw at 15.00 www.kemptonautojumble.co.uk https://london.acecafe.com/event/yamaha-day-9am-3/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start Time: 09.00
End Time: 17.00
50th Anniversary of the YR1 350 GP
Win a pair of tickets to the Southern Classic Bike Show at Kempton Park
Spend £5 or more over the counter and received a raffle ticket
Draw at 15.00
2017-05-10 00:00:00 2017-05-10 00:00:00 Europe/London Brit Bike Night + Triumph + Royal Enfield + WIMA+ BMF 6pm Start Time: 06:00 PMEnd Time: 11:00 PM https://london.acecafe.com/event/brit-bike-night-triumph-royal-enfield-wima-bmf-6pm-22/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start Time: 06:00 PM
End Time: 11:00 PM
2017-05-11 00:00:00 2017-05-11 00:00:00 Europe/London Italian Bikes n' Cars 6pm Start Time: 06:00 PMEnd Time: 11:00 PM https://london.acecafe.com/event/italian-bikes-n-cars-6pm-62/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start Time: 06:00 PM
End Time: 11:00 PM
2017-05-12 00:00:00 2017-05-12 00:00:00 Europe/London Bike Night + Bandit O.C. 6pm Start Time: 18.00 End Time:23.00 Win a pair of tickets to the Southern Classic Bike Show at Kempton Park Win a pair of passes to BikeShed London 2017 Spend £5 or more over the counter and receive a raffle ticket Draw at 22.00 Visit The Bike Shed Visit Kempton Park https://london.acecafe.com/event/bike-night-bandit-o-c-6pm-61/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start Time: 18.00
End Time:23.00
Win a pair of tickets to the Southern Classic Bike Show at Kempton Park
Win a pair of passes to BikeShed London 2017
Spend £5 or more over the counter and receive a raffle ticket
Draw at 22.00
Visit The Bike Shed
Visit Kempton Park
2017-05-14 00:00:00 2017-05-14 00:00:00 Europe/London BMW Bike Day 9am Start Time: 09.00 End Time: 17.00 Win a pair of tickets to the Southern Classic Bike Show at Kempton Park Spend £5 or more over the counter and received a raffle ticket Draw at 15.00 www.kemptonparkautojumble.co.uk   https://london.acecafe.com/event/bmw-bike-day-9am-6/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start Time: 09.00
End Time: 17.00
Win a pair of tickets to the Southern Classic Bike Show at Kempton Park
Spend £5 or more over the counter and received a raffle ticket
Draw at 15.00
2017-05-18 00:00:00 2017-05-18 00:00:00 Europe/London Super Moto + XJROC + NABD + MAG + Classic Scooters 6pm Start Time: 06:00 PMEnd Time: 11:00 PM https://london.acecafe.com/event/super-moto-xjroc-nabd-mag-classic-scooters-6pm-57/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start Time: 06:00 PM
End Time: 11:00 PM
2017-05-19 00:00:00 2017-05-19 00:00:00 Europe/London Bike Night + Rockers & Classic 6pm Start Time: 18.00 End Time:23.00 Win a pair of tickets to the Southern Classic Bike Show at Kempton Park Win a pair of passes to BikeShed London 2017 Spend £5 or more over the counter and receive a raffle ticket Draw at 22.00 Visit The Bike Shed Visit Kempton Park https://london.acecafe.com/event/bike-night-rockers-classic-6pm-62/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start Time: 18.00
End Time:23.00
Win a pair of tickets to the Southern Classic Bike Show at Kempton Park
Win a pair of passes to BikeShed London 2017
Spend £5 or more over the counter and receive a raffle ticket
Draw at 22.00
Visit The Bike Shed
Visit Kempton Park
2017-05-21 00:00:00 2017-05-21 00:00:00 Europe/London Two Stroke "Blue Haze" Day 9am Start Time: 09.00 End Time: 17.00 https://london.acecafe.com/event/two-stroke-blue-haze-day-9am-2/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start Time: 09.00
End Time: 17.00
2017-05-25 00:00:00 2017-05-25 00:00:00 Europe/London Harley Night with Warr's 6pm   Start Time: 18.00 End Time:23.00 Win a pair of passes to BikeShed London 2017 Spend £5 or more over the counter and receive a raffle ticket Draw at 22.00 Visit The Bike Shed Warrs.com   https://london.acecafe.com/event/harley-night-with-warrs-6pm-18/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start Time: 18.00
End Time:23.00
Win a pair of passes to BikeShed London 2017
Spend £5 or more over the counter and receive a raffle ticket
Draw at 22.00
Visit The Bike Shed
2017-05-26 00:00:00 2017-05-26 00:00:00 Europe/London Bike Night + Performance & Fast Bike 6pm Start Time: 18.00 End Time:23.00 Win a pair of passes to BikeShed London 2017 Win a copy of Island Racer 2017 Bookazine which includes “On Board with Ian Hutchinson” a DVD featuring the iconic TT rider   Spend £5 or more over the counter and receive a raffle ticket Draw at 22.00 Visit The Bike Shed   https://london.acecafe.com/event/bike-night-performance-fast-bike-6pm-54/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start Time: 18.00
End Time:23.00
Win a pair of passes to BikeShed London 2017
Win a copy of Island Racer 2017 Bookazine which includes “On Board with Ian Hutchinson” a DVD featuring the iconic TT rider
Spend £5 or more over the counter and receive a raffle ticket
Draw at 22.00
Visit The Bike Shed
2017-05-27 00:00:00 2017-05-27 00:00:00 Europe/London Rhythm n' Cruise Record Hop - DJ Jimmy Guntrip 7pm Start Time: 19.00 End Time: 23:00 DJ Jimmy Guntrip & Guests Entry Free https://london.acecafe.com/event/rhythm-n-cruise-record-hop-dj-jimmy-guntrip-7pm-48/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start Time: 19.00
End Time: 23:00
DJ Jimmy Guntrip & Guests
Entry Free
2017-05-28 00:00:00 2017-05-28 00:00:00 Europe/London RBLRB Day (in aid of the Poppy Appeal) with band JOAN ov ARC 9am Start Time: 09:00 AM End Time: 05:00 PM Royal British Legion Riders Branch Stands & Displays & Live Music Chelsea Pensioners Mayors of Brent & Harrow Band JOAN ov ARC www.joanovarc.co.uk Win a copy of Island Racer 2017 Bookazine  which includes “On Board with Ian Hutchinson” a DVD featuring the iconic TT rider Spend £5 or more over the counter and receive a raffle ticket Draw at: 15.00 https://london.acecafe.com/event/rblrb-day-in-aid-of-the-poppy-appeal-with-band-joan-ov-arc-9am/ https://maps.google.com/?q=AceCafeLondon,NorthCircularRoad,London,VereinigtesKönigreich Ace Cafe London, North Circular Road, London, Vereinigtes Königreich Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start Time: 09:00 AM
End Time: 05:00 PM
Royal British Legion Riders Branch
Stands & Displays & Live Music
Chelsea Pensioners
Mayors of Brent & Harrow Band
JOAN ov ARC www.joanovarc.co.uk
Win a copy of Island Racer 2017 Bookazine  which includes “On Board with Ian Hutchinson” a DVD featuring the iconic TT rider
Spend £5 or more over the counter and receive a raffle ticket
Draw at: 15.00
2017-05-28 11:42:24 2017-05-28 11:42:24 Europe/London Ride out to BikeShed London Event 9.30am Start: 9.30 https://london.acecafe.com/event/ride-bikeshed-london-event-9-30am/ Ace Cafe London Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Start: 9.30
2017-05-29 01:00:00 2017-05-29 01:00:00 Europe/London Margate Meltdown Run 10.30am Run departs from Ace Cafe London at 10.30 Route: A406 - A13 - M25 - A2 - M2 - A299 to Margate seafront Band : The Accidents DJs: Bill and George Guntrip https://london.acecafe.com/event/margate-meltdown-run-10-30am-6/ https://maps.google.com/?q=unitedkinkdom,margateseafront united kinkdom, margate seafront Ace Cafe London m.guenter@magnetive.de
Run departs from Ace Cafe London at 10.30
Route: A406 – A13 – M25 – A2 – M2 – A299 to Margate seafront
Band : The Accidents DJs: Bill and George Guntrip
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